Rhys Callaghan

First Nations Health

Rhys Callaghan

Dip Community Services, B Soc Sci, Cert IV TAE, MPhil

Head of Discipline (Under Graduate) First Nations Health / Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences (First Nations Mental Health)
Wagga Wagga
Building 2 Room 218

Rhys Callaghan is an Aboriginal man belonging to Worimi country, coastal NSW Australia. He is from the small community of Karuah, NSW, is a father of five and a partner to Alice.

Rhys has extensive frontline experience in the community sector, including out of home care, youth, community development and mental health. For the past five years, he has been a consultant, facilitator, researcher and teacher, looking at ways to improve the way agencies and organisations can improve the way they work with Aboriginal communities.

He has qualifications in community services, training and assessment and social science, as well as a Master of Philosophy (MPhil). His most important learning, however, has been through going bush with Elders since he was a young boy.

Rhys is passionate about creating better futures for our children, and their children’s children through social justice and encouraging the western world to embrace Aboriginal ontology, epistemology, pedagogy and axiology.

Bachelor of Health Science

Rhys is interested in Aboriginal systems and the revitalisation and celebration of Aboriginal culture and cultural practice, and its application in western systems. His research is embedded within Aboriginal ontology, epistemology, pedagogy and axiology.